Juniperus Virginiana Anonymous

Eastern red cedar, known as Juniperus virginiana, is a historically significant tree valued for its fragrance and practical uses. Introduced to Louisiana by French Acadians in 1755, its red bark and wood inspired the name “baton rouge.” This member of the juniper family, used by ancient Egyptians for chariot wheels and the Dutch for gin flavoring, also produces a fragrant oil used in medicines and perfumes. Its repugnant smell to moths and beetles made it ideal for cedar chests and closet linings to protect woolens. The wood is lightweight, about 80% as strong as white oak, with a fine grain and soft texture, making it suitable for trim in boats, cedar chests, closet linings, and various woodworking projects. While clear wood is scarce and mostly available in common grades, eastern red cedar is also used in veneers, plywood, and particleboard.
