Our principal Milling operations are done at our Headquarter Facility in Oakland, CA, and we also have a large scale Sawmill in Miami, Florida. We mill logs that would ordinarily be turned into firewood or go to the landfill. We have a large inventory of slabs, mostly unfinished, with some beautifully figured grain, along with lots of logs that can be milled to the size you like. We do have a few finished pieces on display which are for sale, but most finishing is custom to your needs.
In addition to the larger slabs of various types of wood, we often have a lot of mill ends, outer slabs and valuable smaller wood that we are selling for very good prices and sometimes giving away, with some redwood slabs that are very affordable.
If you are interested, or have a specific request or time sensitive question, please contact us via our request form.
Ponderosa Millworks which provides a bulk of our slabs has a full Milling Operations including large container sized Kiln for fast and effective wood drying; Wood-Mizer 1000 to slide and dice logs up to 9 feet wide; 3-headed Planner / Sander for surfacing and sanding wood all in one shot; Commercial grade Planner/Jointer…